2023 Supporters
2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014
Up to $1,070,000

Up to $200,000
- An Anonymous Fund contribution for capacity efforts to support Haywood County
Up to $175,000
Up to $137,500
Up to $135,000
Up to $132,000
Up to $125,000
Up to $110,000
Up to $100,000
Up to $75,000
Up to $50,000
Up to $30,000
Up to $25,000
- Burroughs Wellcome Fund
- Goodnight Educational Foundation
Up to $22,000
- Quaintance-Weaver Restaurants and Hotels (in-kind)
Up to $10,000
Up to $1,000
- Baldasare-Wettach Charitable Foundation
Individual contributors
- Margaret Annunziata
- Ellen Beasley
- Phyllis Bennett
- John Boger
- Jennifer Bryan
- JB and Hunter Buxton
- Robin Calcutt
- Jill Camnitz
- Dana Campbell
- Catherine Carter
- Evan Covington Chavez
- Kim Chavis
- Jennifer Clark
- Ran Coble
- Lorelai Coe
- Sampson Coe
- Lisa Cooper
- Linda Duda
- Alan Duncan
- Diane Evia-Lanevi
- Thomas Fehsenfeld
- Isabella Fessenden
- Rupen Fofaria
- Mitchell Fulton
- Sonja Gantt
- Julie George
- Gwen Gibson
- Glenn Gillen
- Stephen Goudreau
- Barbara Gottschalk
- Tracey Greene-Washington
- Molly Griffin
- David Groce
- Ferrel and Kathleen Guillory
- Tim Hardin
- Tobey Harris
- Aurelia Harrison
- Judy and Bill Harrison
- Andrean Heath
- Alisa Herr
- Katura Jackson
- Marilyn Johnson
- Cynthia Jolly
- Boomer Kennedy
- Renee Kerns
- Arjun Khanna
- Jan King
- Rosalind Kotz
- James Laney
- Steve Lassiter
- Rachel Lawrence
- Rebecca Lewis
- Lynne Loeser
- John Lowe
- Tracy Mancini
- Charlene Martin
- Kimberly McAteer
- Jeff McDaris
- Daniel Mercado
- Jeffrey Meyer
- Dana Miller
- Patrick Miller
- Walter Moore
- Patrick Nalley
- Chris Nelson
- Kelley O’Brien
- Connie Oliver
- Anneke Oppewal
- Cheryl Parquet
- Caren Potter
- Shirley Prince
- Tom and Susan Rabon Charitable Foundation
- Angie Rardin
- Mebane Rash
- Ben Rickert
- Sara Rivers
- Laurie Roberts
- Nancy Rose
- Cheryl and Jeff Sacks
- Marsha R. Sherry
- Barbara Simpson
- Analisa Sorrells
- Janet Spriggs
- Amy Stanley
- Amy Strecker
- Mackenzie Stump
- Paola Sztajn
- Tate Family Fund
- Katrina Thompson
- Ryan Thornburg
- Martha and “B” Townes
- Deanna Townsend-Smith
- Miles Underwood
- Saletta Urena
- Sal Villari
- Richard and Clarice Weinberg
- Carolyn Weiner
- Alice Wellborn
- Brenna Wells
- Cher Wheeler
- Chris William
- Angela Williams
- David Williams
- Clark Wilson
- Jake Wuest
- Gina Zhang
A contribution in honor of the educators that serve on EdNC’s Board of Directors and Strategic Council.