Tar Heel Teachers at Home is a weekly videocast focused on engaging North Carolinians in conversations about education. Each week, a panel of educators interview a guest(s).
In this videocast, the Tar Heel Teachers chat with Dr. Nellie Aspel, executive director of exceptional children for Cleveland County Schools. She shares how her school district is supporting students with disabilities during COVID-19, including how the district is handling IEP meetings, referrals in progress, related services, professional development for teachers, co-teaching, instructional materials, and more.
This week’s panel:
- Moderator: Marlow M. Artis, Creator, Chief Content Purveyor, & Executive Producer of Tar Heel Teachers. Twitter: @TarHeelTeachers
- Elementary School Panelist: AJ Hammond, Principal of Upchurch Elementary in Hoke County Schools & 2020 Wells Fargo Sandhills Region Principal of the Year. Twitter: @Principal0915
- Middle School Panelist: Cassandra Parsons, Special Education Teacher with Cumberland County Schools. Twitter: @cparsonec
- High School Panelist: Mika Twietmeyer, Biology Teacher with Durham Public Schools. Twitter: @MikaJHunter
- Support Personnel Panelist: Aritia Smalls, AIG Program Specialist with Cumberland County Schools. Twitter: @SmallsAritia
- Guest(s): Dr. Nellie Aspel, Executive Director of Exception Children for Cleveland County Schools. Twitter: @ClevelandCoSchools