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Perspective | Tar Heel Teachers at Home: Leading a Restart school during COVID-19

Tar Heel Teachers at Home is a weekly videocast focused on engaging North Carolinians in conversations about education. Each week, a panel of educators interview a guest(s).

In this videocast, the Tar Heel Teachers chat with Dr. Patrice Faison, principal of Carver Heights Elementary in Wayne County, about her experiences leading a Restart school during COVID-19. Dr. Faison was the 2012-2013 Wells Fargo NC Principal of the Year, and she has been credited as a school turnaround expert.

This week’s panel:

  • Moderator: Marlow M. Artis, Creator, Chief Content Purveyor, & Executive Producer of Tar Heel Teachers. Twitter: @TarHeelTeachers
  • Elementary School Panelist: Leanne Rose, 2nd Grade Teacher with Mooresville Graded School District & 2019 NCCAT Beginning Teacher of the Year. Twitter: @TeachRoseGarden
  • Middle School Panelist: Cassandra Parsons, Special Education Teacher with Cumberland County Schools. Twitter: @cparsonec
  • High School Panelist: Mika Twietmeyer, Biology Teacher with Durham Public Schools. Twitter: @MikaJHunter
  • Support Personnel Panelist: Aritia Smalls, AIG Program Specialist with Cumberland County Schools. Twitter: @SmallsAritia
  • Guest(s): Dr. Patrice Faison, Principal of Carver Heights Elementary. Twitter: @CarverHeightsES
Marlow Artis

Marlow Artis is the Creator and Chief Content Purveyor for Tar Heel Teachers, which encompasses a website, an educational panel talk show, a videocast: Tar Heel Teachers at Home, and an educational travel series: Tar Heel Teachers on the Road. In addition to moderating and executive producing these media platforms, he happily served for five years as a sixth grade English/Language Arts teacher.