Tar Heel Teachers at Home is a weekly videocast focused on engaging North Carolinians in conversations about education. Each week, a panel of educators interview a guest(s).
One week after the 2020 Election, Catherine Truitt joined Tar Heel Teachers at Home for one of her first in-depth interviews as North Carolina’s State Superintendent-Elect.
This week’s panel:
- Moderator: Marlow M. Artis, Creator, Chief Content Purveyor, & Executive Producer of Tar Heel Teachers. Twitter: @TarHeelTeachers
- Elementary School Panelist: Dusty Martin, Principal of Stories Creek Elementary (Person County Schools). Twitter: @SC_DustyMartin
- Middle School Panelist: Amy Tart, Language Arts/Social Studies Teacher at Hayesville Middle (Clay County Schools). Twitter: @Cards4Scholars
- High School Panelist: Mika Twietmeyer, Biology Teacher at Riverside High School (Durham Public Schools). Twitter: @MikaJHunter
- Support Personnel Panelist: Aritia Smalls, AIG Program Specialist with Cumberland County Schools. Twitter: @SmallsAritia
- Guest(s): Catherine Truitt, North Carolina’s State Superintendent-Elect. Twitter: @CTruittNC