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Perspective | Tar Heel Teachers at Home: Addressing social and emotional learning needs

Tar Heel Teachers at Home is a weekly interview series focused on engaging North Carolinians in conversations about education. Each week, a panel of educators interview a guest(s).

The COVID-19 global pandemic has taken an emotional toll on us all over the last year. As schools and districts plan to tackle learning loss, we also need to develop viable plans to address the social and emotional (SEL) needs of our students and educators. For this episode, the Tar Heel Teachers chat with a powerhouse lineup of SEL experts and educators who share their experiences, ideas, and resources. 

This week’s panel:

  • Moderator: Marlow M. Artis, creator, chief content purveyor, and executive producer of Tar Heel Teachers. Twitter: @TarHeelTeachers.
  • Elementary School Panelist: Cassandra Parsons, Exceptional Children’s & MTSS Specialist with the Innovative School District. Twitter: @cparsonsec.
  • Middle School Panelist: Amy Tart, fifth grade teacher with Clay County Schools. Twitter: @Cards4Scholars.
  • High School Panelist: Mika Twietmeyer, biology teacher with Durham Public Schools. Twitter: @MikaJHunter.
  • Support Personnel Panelist: Aritia Smalls, AIG program specialist with Cumberland County Schools. Twitter: @SmallsAritia.
  • Guest(s)
    • Tonya Smith, director of choral music at Elkin Middle/Elkin High in Elkin City Schools. Twitter: @TSmithECS.
    • Adrian Parry, principal of Hickory Ridge Elementary in Cabarrus County Schools. Twitter: @adr_parry.
    • Ryan Etheridge, Project ACTIVATE evaluator and coaching coordinator with Cleveland County Schools. Twitter: @nottextbook.
    • Dr. Christopher Soto, social-emotional and mental health coordinator with Durham Public Schools. Twitter: @FeelingDPS.
    • Beth Rice, NC DPI student supports consultant. Twitter: @BethRiceIABS.
Marlow Artis

Marlow Artis is the Creator and Chief Content Purveyor for Tar Heel Teachers, which encompasses a website, an educational panel talk show, a videocast: Tar Heel Teachers at Home, and an educational travel series: Tar Heel Teachers on the Road. In addition to moderating and executive producing these media platforms, he happily served for five years as a sixth grade English/Language Arts teacher.