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Parents, what tips do you have for virtual learning this fall?

Back-to-school looks different this year for North Carolina students and families. On August 17, many students will return to school virtually, while others will go back to the physical classroom on a part-time basis. 

This spring, students, teachers, and parents had to shift to 100% virtual learning with little notice. Now, many students will continue some form of virtual learning this fall, and we want to hear from parents what they’ve learned in helping their kids navigate online learning. 

Parents, what worked for you and your kids? How did you set a routine for virtual school? What tips do you have for families trying to juggle multiple kids learning and parents working remotely?

We’re compiling a list of tips on what worked well for virtual learning and will publish an article with the best tips we receive. We’d love your input below. If you choose to leave your name, we may publish it alongside your comment. Otherwise, you can leave your tip anonymously.

Alli Lindenberg

Alli Lindenberg is the Associate Director of Engagement for EducationNC.