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EdNC. Essential education news. Important stories. Your voice.

Meet your latest Facebook friend

Facebook can be used for many things. Sharing photos of your kids. Commenting on the latest meme. Watching cooking videos. The list goes on.

And now it can be used to tell us your opinion on the issues. Opinions that we will use to shape our coverage and therefore shape the policy debates facing our state.

Reach NC Voices is dedicated to connecting with North Carolinians across the state by asking them questions and listening to their stories. We are proud to introduce the EdNC Facebook Bot, where you can chat with the robot-version of us anytime on Facebook.  All you have to do is say hi.

Chat with us on Facebook

The EdNC Facebook Bot is a survey platform, a source for news, and a 24/7 tip line.

Then you’ll begin a conversation with Annika, our Reach NC Voices Project Fellow, who will offer you survey options, article recommendations based on your interests, and listen to any story that you want to share. All you have to do is type in the keywords and you’re off. Later you may hear from more of our team.

Chat with us on Facebook

Using our Facebook bot will allow us to expand our survey reach, and also help us tailor stories that best suit your interests.

Chat with us on Facebook

We will message you whenever there is a new survey out or an article that we think you would like. You can message the bot at any time to access surveys or share your thoughts. The EdNC Facebook Bot is always open and available for you to use and chat with regarding what matters to you.

What do you care about? We want to know. Our state needs your voice.

Nation Hahn

Nation Hahn is the chief of growth for EducationNC.