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EdNC. Essential education news. Important stories. Your voice.

Join the Virtual Town Hall

In 2019, began holding student town halls at community colleges across North Carolina. We are showing up to have real conversations with students. Now, we’re expanding access to the town hall experience with this virtual adaptation.

With this Virtual Town Hall, we will be able to share the issues that matter to you with people in positions of power and our entire state.

The following survey is intended for current North Carolina community college students. To understand what’s important to you, we’d like you to agree or disagree with a few statements. And at the end, you will be able to submit your own statements.

For each statement, please indicate if you agree, disagree, or are unsure.

These statements will help leaders grasp community college students opinions on education policy issues. The statements were sourced from our 6 town halls held in 2019 and a pre-survey given to community college students through our Reach technology.

After this Virtual Town Hall, we will publish the results and share them with elected officials.

Reach NC Voices Team

The Reach NC Voices team includes Nation Hahn, director of growth for EdNC; Molly Osborne, director of policy; Analisa Sorrells, chief of staff and associate director of policy; and Alli Lindenberg, engagement specialist.