Students from Franklinton High School partnered with The Arc of North Carolina and went to the North Carolina General Assembly Tuesday to speak out for people with disabilities, according to a press release from Franklin County Schools.
The students, who attend an adaptive curriculum class at the high school, joined John Nash, the executive director of The Arc of North Carolina, and gave out Arc materials to lawmakers and staff.
Nash said the trip gave legislators context for laws that have an impact on people with disabilities.
“First off, this is a learning opportunity for these students,” Nash said in a press release. “But when somebody shows up and says ‘this affects me,’ all of the sudden it goes from being a policy to a person.”
In addition to Arc materials, the students and other Arc supporters also handed out handmade Valentine’s Day Gifts to lawmakers. Nash and others in leadership in Franklin County Schools said the trip is good for the education of participating students but could also affect policies related to people with disabilities.
“We already know that if we have the ability to impact their learning experience early, we will never take away their disability but we can mitigate many of the impacts and challenges to change the life outcomes for many people,” Nash said in a press release.