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ESSA and the role of the states

The House Select Committee on Education Strategy and Practices met last week and talked about the Every Student Succeeds Act for the finale of the two-day meeting.

ESSA is the successor to the Bush-era No Child Left Behind law, and lawmakers heard from a couple of experts about the laws’ implications for states.

First, Lee Posey, the federal affairs counsel for the National Council of State Legislatures, gave lawmakers a briefing about what ESSA means for North Carolina. Below is the video. Here is the document from her presentation.

The last presentation came from Claire Voorhees, the director of K-12 reform at the Foundation for Excellence in Education. She talked to lawmakers about the state’s role in ESSA. Below is the video, and here is the document of her presentation.

Alex Granados

Alex Granados was the senior reporter for EducationNC from December 2014-March 2023.