The Editor’s Notes
The House convenes at noon. The Senate convenes at 7pm.
According to the Insider, Sen. Jeff Jackson, D-Mecklenburg, will hold a press conference in the press room of the legislature “joined by Charlotte-Mecklenburg schools officials and the N.C. School Boards Association to discuss House Bill 514, which would allow municipalities to operate charter schools. Former legislative attorney Gerry Cohen will present a report on the legislation.”
The Public School Forum is accepting applications for the 2018-19 cohort of the North Carolina Education Policy Fellowship Program (EPFP). Application information for both EPFP Central and EPFP West can be found online. Applications are due by June 30, 2017.
The Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award for Science and Math Teachers (CASMT) application are available online as of today, Monday, May 21. The Career Award for Science and Mathematics Teachers is a five-year award available to outstanding science and/or mathematics teachers in the North Carolina public primary and secondary schools. The purpose of this award is to recognize teachers who have demonstrated solid knowledge of science and/or mathematics content and have outstanding performance records in educating children. The deadline for submission is September 24, 2018.
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