Thursday, March 5, 1868
The Convention was called to order on Thursday at 10 o’clock, Mr. Pres. Cowles in the Chair.
According to the Daily Sentinel, Mr. Holt arose to a question of privilege. He said that his resolutions about Holden and the assassination of President Lincoln offered yesterday had been treated with contempt and thrown out. He sought to enter a protest in the record. Mr. King, of Lenoir, moved that the protest be returned to the introducer, as was the resolution. Put and carried.
The report to unseat Mr. Williams in favor of L.D. Hall was heard (see prior coverage on March 4 and February 8). This was the second time the committee had reviewed evidence regarding elections. The final vote in favor of the report – yeas 43, nays – 35 reflects delegates crossing over party lines. The Daily Sentinel reports that it was due to Republicans joining with Conservatives in opposition to the process.
In regard to the constitution, the report of the committee on counties, cities, and towns was read and some amendments passed.
When the convention assembled for the evening session at 7:30, the convention considered amendments to the homestead provisions.
Mr. Forkner’ resolution to limit debate was taken up for action:
Resolved, That no delegate shall speak more than once on a question nor longer than fifteen minutes except it be by consent of Convention.
Mr. Hood moved to strike out “fifteen” and insert “ten.” Adopted.
On motion the Convention adjourned.
Ferrell, Joseph, ed., Compilation of the Official Report of the Proceedings of the Convention (Chapel Hill, N.C.: unpublished manuscript 2007). (See day 8 for fuller explanation of this resource.)
*The debate and other quotes are close to verbatim from the reported resources with some adjustment to put all comments in first person, present tense.