The following is a press release from NC Public Schools
The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction has launched the TeachNC statewide K-12 job board in partnership with TeachNC, PowerSchool, and SchoolSpring.
This North Carolina-specific job board will increase the recruiting reach for all K-12 public schools. The job board will allow school districts and public charters across the state to find teachers, administrators, support staff, and any education role in between. The new statewide job board integrates with the applicant tracking systems in place at NC public schools so that as jobs are posted, they receive immediate nationwide exposure with SchoolSpring’s network of over 2 million education job seekers.
The job board is hosted in collaboration with TeachNC, a statewide initiative to attract and support future educators. Anyone interested in finding a teaching position in the state— even those who do not yet have their state teaching license— can access the job board and leverage TeachNC’s free tools and resources to help them secure a North Carolina teaching license and/or teaching role.
Support staff, administrators, and others can find open positions using the SchoolSpring NC jobs search page.
We are excited to provide this valuable platform to drive quality candidates to North Carolina educator job postings with greater visibility nationwide.