While many of our schools take a break in the summer, most of the educators and classrooms serving our youngest children do not.
Early childhood programs across the state are busier than ever, accommodating the needs of both preschool and school-age children while traditional K-12 schools are closed.
The same was true during the pandemic. Child care programs remained open, shifting to serve families as rules and school schedules changed.
Children and families, as well as businesses, need child care in every season.
This summer, EdNC is hitting the road to visit early childhood programs of all settings and sizes: in homes, in community programs, in centers and churches.
We’ll be telling stories about the teachers and programs that have survived a pandemic, and those facing the difficult decision of whether they can remain in the field they love.
We’ll be documenting this moment in early care and education as federal relief funds run out and providers, teachers, families, and communities feel the impact — and rally together to make local progress in the absence of federal and state investments.
We’ll be asking about the new needs of children, families, and providers, and the ones that have been there all along. And we’ll be bringing you along on the journey.
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