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Listen | Keeping mountain music alive with JAM

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There are some things you have to hear to understand, and an after school JAM session is one of those things.

JAM is short for Junior Appalachian Musicians, and in six states in the southern Appalachian region, you’ll find groups of students strumming on traditional mountain instruments with instructors — making music, developing community and honoring their roots.

This audio story takes you right off the Blue Ridge Parkway, to the first ever JAM instructor conference. Listen to learn the history of JAM, what it means to the musicians who take on the role of instructor, and what it can do for the students who participate.

Behind the Story

Thanks to Brett Morris and all the JAM instructors for talking with us for this story.

Caroline Parker reported, produced, and narrated this audio story. The cover artwork for the audio story was created by Lanie Sorrow.

Caroline Parker

Caroline Parker is the director of rural storytelling and strategy for EducationNC. She covers the stories of rural North Carolina, the arts, STEM education and nutrition.